What mushroom pickers drink in the woods? Overview of forest cans
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- Category: Articles
- Published: 02 November 2014
- Written by V-12
- Hits: 1325
For several years among the mushroom pickers exists a new mode for decorating trees with empty cans, bottles and other packaging for beverage and food. Gratitude to the nature for abundant collection of mushrooms their fans express through abandoned ton of trash in the woods. It's difficult to determine who initiated that dealings. Certainly we have to deal with the diagram, imitation: seeing an object suspended on a branch, more people don't see nothing wrong with that and do the same.
Cans in the trees grow like mushrooms after the rain. Such a statement seems to be true when we look at the souvenirs commonly left behind in the woods by mushroom pickers. Going for a walk during autumn season, between lush greenery we can feel the atmosphere of... Christmas Eve. Every few steps on the branches of trees hanging a variety of ornaments, usually from metal or glass. Let's see what fungus hunters are drinking in the wood.
Parent potion, wheeling desire in the wood is beer. Most often canned. Finally, the can is lighter than the bottle. But glass bottles also (occasionally) are appreciated by mushroom pickers. Several dozen minutes of walk through the woods near the street Tczewska in Szczecin allowed to capture in photographs dozens of various cans and bottles that have accompanied earlier to mushroom pickers during the mushrooming. Some of them were drinking tinctures and even vodka to sharpen their senses, especially vision.
Among the canned beers the leader was Tyskie (4 pieces) before Bosman (3 pieces). Other brands (Carlsberg, Fasberg, Romper, Poker, Zubr, Amber Natur) were popping up occasionally. It is hard to believe that none of the golden beverage manufacturers not attempted so far for the campaign in the style of "Beer xxx - the best in the mushrooming!".
What is the conclusion? Of course, on this basis it is difficult to clearly identify favourite brand of canned beer drinked by mushroom pickers, but one can not deny them - tasting variety. Among beverage cans I've found only Dr. Pepper, hanging on the tree from last year. Anyway, lots of packaging, decorating pine trees, have been produced at least two years earlier. This means that no one cleans up the forest even when most of the garbage is available by picking up the hand. Bottles and cans, like Christmas tree baubles, are waiting on the trees to infinity.
Shame on you mushroom pickers! Does at your home trash are hanging from the chandelier, the curtains, the door handle? Trees and shrubs aren't Christmas trees, on which you can hang colourful lights and decorations. Be a human and throw away the garbages where they belong.
Trash pickers and their practices aren't the only trouble for greenery lovers. What to do with people who illegally dispose of the tires, construction waste and even tombstones? By creating the landfill from the forst in a few years you will not find in the mushrooms, blueberries, strawberries. Respect natural lungs of the Earth - it's worth to do that.
This is what we can find in the Polish forest during autumn season: