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- Written by V-12
- Category: Foreign Cans
- Published: 31 August 2014
- Hits: 1458
The hero of one of the world's most popular anime is back in a big way. Tsubasa Oozora and his friends are faces of limited edition of Italian cans Oransoda and Lemonsoda. Beside Captain Hawk (10) we can ejoy with his friends: Kojiro Hyuga (10), Genzo Wakabayashi (1), Jun Misugi (14) and Tachibana brothers: Masao i Kazuo (41). Producer of these beverages Davide Campari - Milano also released a web game called "Corri Holly, corri" ("Run Tsubasa, run"), in which we can play after clicking in this link: http://www.lemonsoda.it/corrihollycorri/.
- Details
- Written by V-12
- Category: Foreign Cans
- Published: 24 July 2014
- Hits: 2164
Faxe is a brand which is well known for most of beer cans collectors. Danish producer of hop substance Faxe Bryggeri (being a part of Royal Unibrew beer company) went with the spirit of a time and since a few years offers its customers also energy drinks. It's quite interesting that they are not available outside their own country.
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- Written by V-12
- Category: Foreign Cans
- Published: 08 July 2014
- Hits: 1423
FIFA World Cup 2014 in Brazil is not only about incredible struggles of football but also a perfect time for the wider promotion of the sponsors of this event. One of them is Coca Cola. It's the only organization that supports mundial continuously for decades. In the participating countries in this year's championship you can find various editions of cans of which perhaps the most impressive looks six German series with a total of 144 cans! Such a state of affairs for many collectors can cause considerable dizziness...
Read more: Collector's dizziness: 6 German sets of Mundial 2014 cans!