New orangeade can from Hellena
- Details
- Category: Various Drinks Cans
- Published: 11 July 2014
- Written by V-12
- Hits: 1654
A taste of childhood. Formerly orangeade (called as oranzada) in Poland was sold in bottles with procelain stopper. Later this drink was available also in a bottles with metal cap and plastic bags. In 2002 Hellena SA Production Company as the first manufacturer of beverages in Poland put this orange-hard candy mixture in a can. 12 years later its latest edition finally appeared on the market. Graphic design resembles the original packaging dating back more than a decade.
It's a worth to mention on the occasion of presentation of the new can with Hellena logo that a great return of orangeade sold in such a form occurred in 2009. At that time some websites reported (duplicating incidentally slightly false news) that "Oranzada YOO!" (because this is the name given product after a few years break in production) is the first canned orangeade in the market. In fact, the debut of the same drink in an aluminum package came in the early twenty-first century.
How is looking the new orangeade can from Hellena?
New graphic design of orangeade from Hellena refers to the original version from 12 years ago. Identical shape of logos and champagne glass (slightly refreshed, and most importantly, this time with a straw!) are the first things that pay attention after looking at both packages.
Seems that the author of a new graphic design of orangeade cans benefited from the finished solution. Even background elements are duplicated here, such as a beads, candy and reversed spiral. In accordance with the prevailing fashion among manufacturers of carbonated drinks, new packaging contains information in a prominent place that the beverage contains no artificial sweeteners. Let's compare the two versions of orangeade components.
Ingredients of Hellena orangeade (2014):
Water, sugar, carbon dioxide, acidity regulator: citric acid; aromas, concentrated black carrot juice.
Ingredients of Hellena orangeade (2002):
Water, sugar, carbon dioxide, concentrated fruit juice, acidity regulator - citric acid, nature identical flavor, antioxidant - ascorbic acid, preservatives - potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate. Chemically preserved.
Formerly one of the main elements of the drink was red colored fruit juice. Currently it's replaced with black carrots. Production of the new orangeade occurs without antioxidant and preservatives, although organic compounds E200, E201 and E300 used in the past are not commonly accepted to be harmful (if it's assumed in reasonable doses).
A small change in the composition of the beverage is preferably moved to its taste. The previous edition named YOO! alluded to the glory years of orangeade in Poland. So it is now. Last orangeade in the can from Hellena is simply delicious and highly recommended.
The nutritional value of 100 ml beverage: energy 150 kJ / 35 kcal, 0 g fat, including saturated fatty acids 0 g, 8.6 g carbohydrates, including sugars 8.6 g, protein 0 g, salt <0.01 g
The advertising campaign of Hellena's orangeade involved one of the most famous Polish cabaret Ani Mru-Mru. Each of its members comes separately, presenting in a funny way specific musical installment of the hit "I'll take you (Zabiore cie)" from the repertoire of Kancelarya. Although advertising is missing cans, it is worth to check, how Michael, Martin and Waldemar are fooling around. Which one was the best?
Interesting facts about Hellena beverages:
Some facts from Hellena business and its products:
- Hellena SA Production Company was founded in 1991.
- Hellena was one of the first manufacturers of canned beverages in Poland.
- The first cans of Hellena went on sale in 1992. Initially, these were flavors: Cola, Orange, Lemon, Grapefruit and a little bit later Kiwi and Tonic.
- Hellena went for bankruptcy in 2005.
- In 2007 Jutrzenka bought the company (now Jutrzenka Colian) and later in the same year products branded with Hellena logo returned to the market.
- For the first time orangeade in a cans was released by Hellena in 2002.
- Orangeade in a cans came back to the market in 2009.